[Review] Macallan 1989 - Private bottling 56% VS Whisky Galore 40%

I set off on my whisky journey over 5 years ago now. My first stop was Islay and it's peat. I went round the island's distilleries before heading to mainland peat and French peat. I followed peat with sherry; moved on to blends and blended malt and progressively extended my interest to the wider whisky/whiskey horizon. So where do I go next? Independent bottlers is one path I want to continue exploring. The other one is older whisky. However, older whisky can mean two things: older in terms of age statement or older in terms of distillation date. And that is when it starts getting a bit trickier, firstly because these bottles are much rarer to come by, secondly because even if you can find them, they will be rather expensive. So when I come across a new company which prides itself in sourcing, opening and sharing these older/rarer bottles, I am bound to be interested. https://cheaperbythedram.co.uk/ The company in question is called Cheaper by the Dram. It was created...