[Review] G. Rozelieures - Tourbé Collection 46%
After my post from September last year in which I reviewed the first bottle of Rozelieures I brought back from France, I have finally managed to come round to reviewing the second bottle I bought at the same time. This one is the Tourbé Collection. Tourbé means peated in French, and being a peaty whisky enthusiast, I thought I had to buy that bottle. This is also the single malt which won a gold medal in the 2015 Paris Concours Général Agricole. The Tourbé Collection sits at the top of the Rozelieures range in terms of peatiness. You will also find a Fumé Collection (smoky) peated at around 20ppm and a Rare Collection, slightly peated and aged in ex-Sauterne casks. I have already reviewed a French peated single malt with the Kornog from the Breton distillery Glann ar Mor, so was curious to see how the Rozelieures compared to it (probably the focus of a future post) So let's have a closer look at the whisky itself. Unlike their standard release bottled at 40%, the Tourb...